Thursday, August 23, 2012

Song of the Day: Thursday

I had a full day today. And, while I felt tired, I didn't buckle under like yesterday. Sickness is nearly kicked. I just have to finish off my antibiotics.

I am prepped for my first class. I have my slides printed out and I have my presentation on a flashdrive. I emailed the assignment to my class (because the mass homework and information system was not "prepared" for the number of people accessing it today!). I went to a meeting for a group that I will be supporting with my research. And met with a number of other people. Honestly, a full day.

And, now I am packed for tomorrow. I head to New York for a follow up doctor's appointment. I also get to see some friends while in town. Before I go, I teach my first class and pick up my car, which I will park on campus before I hop on a bus to the airport. Excited about all of the above and a little nervous.

This will be a low tech weekend. I am leaving my computer at home for the first time. This, of course, means no blogging while away. I will do my best to keep notes so I can catch up when I return.

This song is a good one for the attitude I want to take. Cool. Calm. But flavorful.

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