Thursday, August 2, 2012

Song of the Day: Thursday

So, today was my second day at my new job. I had a bit of panic. Instead of transitioning in slowly, the work began to creep in. I was given a cite-check for a professor's book. My boss decided he wanted to (slowly) walk me through the library website for cite check resources instead of just telling me what he thought I should use. I had a professor, whom I haven't seen since the interview, with a project for her Spring Class to be completed by November. I got an email from a visiting scholar about some research he is doing. I began delving into the class that I am teaching this semester. The professor from this morning came back with an author's statement  that she was trying to make sense of in an area of law that is new to me. And, I had to track down some work that my predecessor did for one of my professors. Nice second day!

As I biked home from work, I started singing this song out of the blue.

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