Saturday, June 2, 2012

Song of the Day: Saturday

I got home late today. Every couple of months my gang of Italians and I get together for dinner and beautiful social time. It's kind of crazy. Growing up we weren't allowed in the kitchen when someone else was cooking unless we had business in the kitchen. And there was only so long that we were allowed to stay. Italians are different.

The kitchen is chaos. Everyone in and out, whether or not they are cooking. And even if someone is not cooking it does not mean that they won't comment on what's being cooked or season something that doesn't taste just right. Apparently this is what Italian families are like. I'm so not used to this, but they are breaking me in.

Anyhow, at the end of the night, when everyone was lazing around waiting for the dishwasher to finish, my friend ST turns to me and begins singing a country song that I introduced her (and my suite mates) to a couple of weekends ago when we shared a room at a retreat. I was amused and impressed. She said it got so stuck in her head that she looked it up on YouTube. My plan to corrupt Italians is working! Here is the song.

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