Sunday, May 27, 2012

Song of the Day: Sunday

My mom died a  year ago on 27 May 2011. We had a love-hate relationship, never really seemed to get each other. We each wanted something that the other was unable to give. Neither of us could speak in a way that the other could hear the words actually spoken. I was on my way home when she died. I had hoped to have one more conversation to try to bring some understanding between us. Unfortunately I missed her. And, yet, fortunately I missed her.

There aren't any songs that I can think of that address the wounded chaos that was our relationship. No songs that speak of, or to, a dying mother. No songs that convey the depth of pain and loss and love and relief at her passing. No songs that speak to a child orphaned at birth, and more so with the passing of her mother. No songs. None.

But, this Nina Simone song came to mind. While the words don't match the event, the emotion of the song as sung by Ms. Simone, do touch that sensitive chord.

RIP Mom.

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