Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Song of the Day: Wednesday

Today was another one of those quick-slow days. Before I knew it, the day was practically over. Throughout the day this song played in my head all day. Oh, the 80s! Men with big questionable hair, makeup and clothes! And the so-called dancing! Those were the days!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Song of the Day: Tuesday

Today has been one of those long days that ended too soon. It's actually a carryover from Friday and Monday. I have a long list of things that at work (from FRIDAY) that I feel like I'll never actually get done. And there are the "little" things that pop up at work, people stuff, that I could bitch and moan about incessantly. Stuff that could really get me down. Luckily my "whatever" is working so it's not impacting me too, too much. Just annoying.

In honor my newfound duck-skill of letting things roll of my back, I have chosen this song. It started pinging in my head during a telephone call with my aunt as I recounted to her some of the crap that gets thrown my way. This is after last night's convo with another friend about other crap that I'm learning to slough off. Maybe I have thicker skin or something.

Anyway, Switchfoot.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Song of the Day: Monday

Last Monday I wanted to post this song, but couldn't remember what or who it was. I'd originally thought it was Van Morrison. It kind of reminds me of some of his stuff. But it turns out it was Dexy's Midnight Runners.

If you know Dexy's Midnight Runners, you understand my confusion. They are know for this one hit wonder, which is quite good. So the idea of them singing "Jackie Wilson Said" is obviously confusing. I think. But this was the song on my mind last week. So, here it is.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Song of the Day: Sunday

Mariah Carey has been, um, let's say singing in my head for the last few days. I think it started when I heard that she was having trouble dealing with the death of a dear musical friend. It's strange to have this song kicking around in my head. Obviously I've heard it before, but R&B is normally not what I would choose to hum for days on end. It's been oddly comforting.

Anyway, here it is.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Song of the Day: Saturday

Today is a crazy lazy day. I was chained to my apartment most of the day waiting for the  V technicians to install my triple play package. The guy was nice enough to stop by this morning to let me know approximately what time they would be by.  So, I got a chance to run out and return the equipment from TWC and be home in plenty of time to laze around before the installation happened. I am now chilling on my couch watching the Matrix for the 1 millionth time.

While I was returning from making returns, Robert Smith began to sing in my mind.

(If you have problem getting sound change the quality to 240p.)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Song of the Day: Friday

I am a strange bird. This morning I woke up to the sound of rain. For most people, especially women, the sound of rain means pants and boots to keep warm and dry. Not me! I love rain. I miss rain when I don't get it. I sleep better in rain. So, when I hear the pitter-patter of drops against my window, I decide to wear a dress. And tights. I'd originally planned to wear boots, but opted for my high healed loafers. I wore my waterproof trench and carried my umbrella. But, for some reason, I was definitely happy about the rain.

This is today's rain song: Phil Collins' "I Wish It Would Rain Down". I forgot how music videos used to be mini-movies!

Happy Friday, Y'all!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Song of the Day: Thursday

Today has been a long, long day. I started my day 45 minutes earlier than normal and, wimpy me, when I left work at my regular time, I was wiped out. Talking to people all day long while asking intelligent questions that no one else has asked can be taxing. However the day went smoothly. And, I got a lot accomplished.

The song that's been playing in my since my day ended is Feist's "Brandy Alexander". Nice and mellow. This is a video of a live performance. the lighting is odd, but it's Feist.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Song of the Day: Ash Wednesday

Lent began today. The next forty-some days will be marked by fasting and abstinence. It's a solemn time in the Church calendar. It should be depressing since I like doing and getting what I want. I should be peevish or something. However, for some reason today, I've been really happy. The only way I can describe it is a feeling of anticipation. As if, somewhere around the corner between Lent and Easter (or after) something great is about to happen. I'm hoping for love or something of the sort since I really, really like Happy Endings. But, who knows.

Anyway, here is one of the happy songs that's been on my mind today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Song of the Day: Fat Tuesday

Being a good Catholic girl [snort!], I'm celebrating Fat Tuesday in style. I suffocated my mussels in the fridge for two days so I had to throw away half of them. I overcooked my chicken andoille sausage when I tossed it in the slow cooker last night! And I overcooked my paella today trying to keep it warm so I could dig in when I got home. It's a little crust and charred around the sides!

What I did get right was my daiquiri: pineapple, coconut, lime and freezer-chilled tequila. Wait: that's a margarita! Anyway, tastes good! So, to celebrate and as my last hurrah before the lenten fast begins in the morning, I chose this song! Throw me some beads!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Song of the Day: Monday

A funny think happened on the way to making this Song of the Day post: I couldn't figure out the artist and song title! Must be the product of my old age.

Anyway, I always enjoy Sia's music and her videos! She's good, but she doesn't take herself too seriously. Here's an example.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Song of the Day: Sunday

I am a child of the 80's. I grew up listening to R&B, soul, the beginnings of hiphop, country, rock, and  whatever else was on the radio! But, what I really latched onto was glam rock and synth pop a la Duran Duran. It was the music by a bunch of Brit boys who couldn't read a note and the clothes and the hair and the makeup! I was in love and quite thrilled when a college chorus tour around England landed me in Birmingham Symphony Hall where these hometown boys played concerts! And, so I named my blog after one of their songs from the Rio album. (It's in the chorus!) The soundtrack is a few seconds off but this is the video that I know!

Song of the Day: Saturday

I know it's considered uncool to like DMB these days. Oh well! Saturday night I was in Times Square at a certain suburban seafood restaurant with a friend. The goal was to have a feast. I ate too much! All I had was two frozen drinks, 3 glasses of ice water, half of a lobster pizza,  two cheddar biscuits, a couple of sips of her drinks as well as one that I sent back because it was too, too coconutty, and a very small garden salad with too much balsamic vinaigrette! By the time my entree arrived I was practically stuffed. I had to force myself to eat any of it and brought the rest home. (Unfortunately the waiter didn't do a good job of packing my food since the container opened in the bag and spilled on my jeans and the subway floor!) This song played in my head as I sat on the train.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Song of the Day: Friday

This morning I poured yogurt into a cheesecloth to drain off the whey to make Labne. It reminded me of my semester in Rome living at a Maronite monastery. That was a difficult semester, the ultimate in being misunderstood.  Whenever I got confronted with people thinking the worst of me no matter what I said, I started humming this song. It was like a lullaby.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Song of the Day: Thursday

For some reason this song was on my mind this morning. I got introduced to Amy Grant in middle school. Her music fit into the synth-driven pop that I listened to in those days.

Song of the Day: Wednesday

Last night I had a couple of songs bouncing around in my head. My favorite, of which I only can access the bouncy chorus "Jump in, jump in , jump in!", was not available online. ;( So I had to regroup.

I've also been humming "Looking for Love" by Johnny Lee while rolling my eyes because I broke down and signed up for an online dating service. :D My sarcastic self wishes that there was a full-length version of the song of this bit from SNL. It'd make me feel less like I've hit the point of desperation and keep me laughing!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Song of the Day: Valentine's Day 2012

So on Valentine's Day, instead of a sappy love song, I turn to some of my favorite Irish boys: U2. I had hoped to find the original video online, and maybe it exists, but most of what I found was others' creative interpretations. So, I opted for this version of "The Unforgettable Fire." yeah, no images just that voice and music, those lyrics. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Song of the Day: Monday

It's Valentine's eve and I am still single. I watched the Grammys and have Adele on the brain.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Song of the Day: Sunday

Last night I heard that Whitney Houston was found dead in her LA hotel room. The stage was set for her to attend a pre-Grammy party, but she never made it. This song, her cover of a Dolly Parton hit, has been playing in my head. Whitney, we will always love you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Song of the Day: Saturday

I had a tragedy at the end of last year: I accidentally dumped all of my music from my player and my stupid external hard drive has been dumping my music files, little by little. :(

I was excited to discover that I still had this song. Apropos since it was also a warehouse shopping day. By bus. Yea! I didn't die from the hike.

Song of the Day: Friday

Friday I woke up with this song on my mind. Not sure why. But I walked through Harlem to the train blasting this song in my ears.